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Obec Bystřička

The municipal seal

The municipal seal

[Otisk historické pečeti obce Bystřička]  [Překreslený otisk historické pečeti obce Bystřička]



Unlike seals of most of the villages in the Vsetín manor the Bystřička seal has symbols that point out domestic production of agricultural tools.

The right part of the seal is problematic. A cramp iron is usually featured here as is seen from the picture above that represents the form of the municipal seal. This form though was made by redrawing of a wrong print of the seal. In practice, the same motif appears both in the left part and in the right part.

The oldest record of using the seal are the papers of the so called Josefského land register from the eighties of the 18th century that are now stored in the Moravian municipal archives in Kunstát.

The youngest record of using the seal is the archival fund of Descriptions of borders from the middle of the 19th century in Brno.

[Špatně překreslený otisk historické pečeti obce Bystřička] The seal is formed by a round field and a picture of two crossed paddles used for mixing flour, grain or quick lime. This can be related to the lime pit and the lime kiln under the hill Klenov. There are also other objects on the seal, probably combs for combing lamb’s wool.

A wrong image of the seal often occurs in the press, just like the picture on the right shows. This probably happened due to the wrong redrawing of the print of the seal. As a result of this the seal picture is interpreted as two crossed paddles together with a rake and a carpenter hook. This misinterpretation is noted also in the newest publication of Okres Vsetín from the cycle Vlastivěda moravská that was published in 2002.

A seal that has two crossed paddles and a drawknife and a saw from 1744 is often mentioned too.


About the village


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