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Obec Bystřička

A brief history of the village in dates

A brief history of the village in dates

  • The top of Klenov holds the remains of prehistoric ramparts.
  • It is rumoured that the Freundsberg templars established a castle at the top of Klenov at the end of the 13th century. It used to stand at the very top of the hill and the upper part of the rock still holds the name Zámčiska. There is a mention of it only in the year 1308. No remains of the castle have been preserved.
  • The Bystřička village was established on the stream of the same name by the colonization of the vassals from Růžďka working on the clearings of Bystřička in the middle of  the17th century. There already used to be the declined and desolated village of Svojanov here, the mention of which dates back to 1505.
  • The village of Bystřička was established by the lord Mikuláš Pázmány from Vsetín in1647. Until the half of the last century Bystřička was a typical agricultural village. Only later, some specific Wallachian domestic production spread: the production of jackknives and wooden agricultural tools. There is a mention of a lime-pit and a limekiln below Klenov in 1770.
  • In 1834 Bystřička had 371 inhabitants.
  • In 1880 Bystřička had 67 houses and 429 inhabitants. It belonged to the Vsetín district, the district office of Valašské Meziříčí, under the Růžďka parish and the post-office was in Jablůnka.
  • The school was established in 1883. In 1981 it became a part of the school in Růžka.
  • There were 532 inhabitants in Bystřička in 1910.
  • Between 1908-1912 a dam was built.
  • The first agriculture co-operative was founded in 1951 but it soon disintegrated.
  • In 1959 the post-office was set up. The agricultural co-operative set up for the second time.
  • In 1977 a nursery was opened.
  • In 1980 the village was 951 hectares big and had 940 inhabitants.
  • In 1996 there was a big flood.
  • In 1997 there was a cent-year’s flood.
  • 971 inhabitants in 1991.
  • 941 inhabitants in 2005.

About the village


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